
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

How the Minister escaped from the cruel King? An exclusive tale!

Ubqari Magazine - April 2020

Relief from economic hardship: Recite Astaghfaar (استغفار) one thousand times, Surah “Al-Ma’un” (الماعونسورة) forty one times after Dhuhr prayer and thirdly, recite , Hsbuna Allahu Wa Na’mal Wakeel (كِيلُالْوَنِعْمَوَللَّهُحَسْبُنَا), five hundred times daily. Allah will surely fulfill your needs, in sha Allah. 

Once upon a time, there was a king who was very cruel. Every time he used to make weird wishes. His people, especially his minister was extremely annoyed with him. The minister was a kind hearted and pious person. It was due to him that the state affairs were running smoothly. One day, the king wished for something very strange. He ordered the minister to build him a palace constructed from top to bottom. And if the minister could not start working upon the project within ten days, he would be beheaded! The poor minister was very worried that what he would do. However, when he got home, he told the whole story to his wife. His wife suggested him to seek help from Allah. The minister liked her advice, immediately performed ablution, offered prayer and supplicated to Allah. While praying, he fell asleep and saw in his dream that he was walking through a jungle where he found something very shiny. He took it and gave to the king and the king became happy. When the minister woke up, he shared his dream with his wife. His wife immediately told him to go to the forest and he would get help from there. Next day, the minister packed his luggage and went on the journey. He would take rest in between and continued on his way. After five days of constant travelling he thought that there was no solution for his problem so he should go back. When he was turning back, all of a sudden he saw a rabbit trapped in a cage. The kind hearted minister immediately freed the rabbit from the trap and when he was about to turn back again, he heard a voice, “O kind man! Thank you very much”. When the minister looked back in surprise, he saw a small dwarf talking. Upon enquiring, he told the minister that a magician had turned him into a rabbit. The magic disappeared as soon as the trap was unleashed. When the minister told him his problem, the dwarf asked him to go along with him. He took the minister to a cave and asked him to go inside. When he went inside, the minister found a saint doing worship. He greeted him and told his problem. The saint smiled and said, “No problem son”, he gave a parrot to the minister saying that it will help him. The minister thanked him and went back to his home. When he reached home, he told the whole account to his wife, she also became happy. The next day he went to the king’s palace and asked the king to come with him so that he could show him how he would build a palace from top to bottom. The minister took the king to the open place where he had ordered to construct the new palace. Laborers and masons had already reached and construction material was also supplied. The minister left the parrot in the air and said, “Come on Mian Mitho! Show your skills”. The parrot flew high enough and shouted, “Give me bricks! Give me bricks!” Upon this, the king became angry and said, “How can anyone take bricks to so much height?” Listening to this the minister asked, “Sir! If bricks cannot be delivered at such a height, how can it be built from top to bottom?” The king stood there thinking for a long time and he liked the way minister made him realize. He was happy with the minister’s wisdom and apologized for his bad behavior. The king also became pious and kind person.

Note: Dear kids! Whenever you are in a trouble, first of all prostrate in front of Allah, admire Him and seek help from Him. And see how you will get solution for your problem from Divine help.

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